Gemeinsam stärker
Schneider Feldmann AG (SF) maintains cooperation with two institutions: One with Grüter Schneider & Partner AG (GSP) and one with Rieder Hasler & Partner Patentanwälte AG (RHP).
The cooperation is communicated through a uniform market presence. The three-square logo "Yellow" (SF) - "Light Blue" (GSP)
- "Dark Blue" (RHP)
indicates the collaboration. The attorneys are designated with the appropriate square according to their affiliation with the three law firms on the attorney list in the section "About us". There is a continuous professional exchange at the attorney level between the law firms.
Each law firm looks after you but their own clients. No client-specific data is exchanged between the law firms, the attorney confidentiality of each law firm is respected.
For cooperation between SF and RHP, see the article in the publication organ of the St. Gallen-Appenzell Chamber of Commerce and Industry (link ...).