Range of Services in Patent Matters
- General Prior Art
- Novelty search
- «freedom to operate»
- Information regarding legal status
- Preparation
- Filing national and/or international
- Representation before the Swiss Federal Institute of Intellectual Property (IGE), European Patent Office (EPO), German Patent Office (DPMA), US Patent Office (USPTO) and WIPO
- Commenting Search Reports
- Completion of office actions
Patent Opinion
- Protectability
- Infringement/Non-infringement
Licence negotiations and Licence contracts
- Monitoring competition
- Monitoring Patents
- Observation of Patent procedure
Maintenance of your property rights
- Monitoring deadlines
- Monitoring annuities and Payments of annuities (yearly)
Opposition and Appeal
- Against rejections of your own Patent Applications
- Against Patents of your competitor (missing novelty or inventive step)
Assertion of your Patent rights in court