Dr. Erich Hasler
Dr. lic. rer. pol., Dipl. Chem., Swiss Patent Attorney, European Patent Attorney
Dr. E. Hasler has degrees in organic and inorganic chemistry and in economics, both from the University of Basel, Switzerland. Dr. Hasler worked for several years at the Institute of Physical Chemistry in Basel. The thesis concerned the study of reaction mechanisms which involve the formation of biradicals (photochemistry). After his studies he worked for several years in the R&D department of an international company well known in the field of vacuum technique and thin film technology. Since 1990 Dr. Hasler is a licensed Patent Attorney in Liechtenstein and Switzerland. In 1996 he got admitted before the European Patent Office. In addition Dr. Hasler is an accomplished Trademark Laywer with a great deal of experience in trademark law, trademark researches, law cases and the decadelong representation of famous companies.
Dr. Hasler is a member of the following organisations:
- VESPA Association of Swiss European Patent Attorneys
- EPI Institut der beim Europäischen Patentamt zugelassenen Vertreter
- INTA International Trademark Association
- INGRES Institut für gewerbleichen Rechtsschutz, a Swiss professional organization regarding Intellectual Property
- AIPPI Institut für gewerbleichen Rechtsschutz, a Swiss professional organization regarding Intellectual Property
- LIPAV Association of licensed Liechtenstein Patent Attorney